Drostanol, Drostanolone Enanthate, Masteroxyl, Masteron Enanthate, Masto E
Also Known As:
7-10 days
Active Half-Life:
3-4 months
Detection Period:
Drostanolone Enanthate is a strictly underground anabolic androgenic steroid derived from the discontinued Drostanolone Propionate variant known as Masteron.
Effects of Drostanolone Enanthate: * Muscle Growth
While most anabolic steroids are used for bulking, Masteron Enanthate may not be the best option for significant muscle growth. Although it may yield some growth at very high doses, there are better alternatives available. Some may incorporate low to moderate dosages of Masteron Enanthate into their bulking cycle primarily for its anti-estrogen properties. However, when combined with higher testosterone doses, it may not effectively counteract estrogenic activity induced by aromatase.
* Cutting
For Masteron Enanthate to exhibit its full effects, it’s best used by individuals with a lean physique, making it an ideal choice during cutting cycles. Competitive bodybuilders often use it in the latter stages of their preparation after significant fat loss, as it helps achieve a desired hard appearance. Recreational users, even if not as lean, can still benefit from Masteron in a cutting cycle, though the results might not be as pronounced. However, those with a high body fat percentage might not notice much difference in firmness and definition.
* Athletic Enhancement
While leaning out is ideal for achieving hardness, Masteron Enanthate can also benefit athletes seeking improved strength with minimal weight gain. Although many steroid users associate it primarily with cutting phases, it can be a solid option for strength enhancement.
* Enhanced Performance
Athletes may also experience better recovery and muscular endurance, which are valuable assets regardless of their goals.
No estrogenic side effects; however, some may experience acne, accelerated hair loss (for those predisposed to male pattern baldness), and increased body hair. Other potential side effects include HDL cholesterol suppression, increased LDL cholesterol, high blood pressure, and virilization in women at high doses (including body hair growth, voice deepening, clitoral enlargement, menstrual irregularities). There is less hepatotoxicity and significant testosterone suppression as well.
Side Effects: How to Use:
As Enanthate has a larger ester compared to Propionate, dosing may need an upward adjustment to achieve the same effect of active Drostanolone. A weekly dosage of 400-500mg is typically effective, divided into two equal injections (e.g., one on Monday and one on Thursday). The duration of use can vary from 6-12 weeks based on individual needs. Due to the risk of virilization, recommended dosages for women are not provided, and they should only consider Propionate forms.