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Brand: Stealth Juice
Product Code: 5853691
Price: $27.00

Size: 5 ml, 20 ml, 40 ml, 100 ml Type: Oily injectable solutionDosage: 250 mg/mlActive ingredient: Testosterone CypionateProduct synonyms: Cypionate

Testos­terone cyp­i­onate is used for treat­ing symp­toms of low testos­terone in men when the body does not make any testos­terone or not enough testos­terone (hypog­o­nadism). It may also be used for other con­di­tions as deter­mined by your doctor.
Testos­terone cyp­i­onate is a male sex hor­mone. It works by replac­ing or sup­ple­ment­ing the testos­terone that is nat­u­rally made in the body.

This is a new product line thats HIGH QUALITY, packed sterile and will not need sterilization or filtration (like bulk oils)
What is about? Injectable sterile and filtered oil packed in sachets like MCDONALDS pack their ketchup.
Will be STEALTH for custom, impossibile to find in a envelope for custom, sterile, filtered and ready to use.
You must just to draw all content in a syringe and keep in syrynge. Are packed in sachets of 5 ml each.
Sure sachets will have labels of different things like shampoons, massage oils to make them 100% safe for custom
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